Sunday, September 27, 2009


I watched a show that was saying in Australia people are getting killed by a jelly fish that is the size of a thumbnail.This makes me think since we have searched more of outer space then we have our own oceans is something coming to our shores.And how will that thing affect us also how will people react.A few sharks attack and we go crazy what is next?

same degree differnt situation

I talked to my cousin who is a police officer and and he told that i could become a police officer cadet and get the same degree that i would at the problem is do i stay at hacc and have no money or do i go to the police and make money hmmmmmmm?I know that i need money before Christmas so i might leave hacc and i hope its the right choice.


i loved how in Fahrenheit details are so important.I love how Faber is described as old and pale,how when guy came to the door Faber's already saying how he didn't do anything.Also i enjoyed when guy read on the subway and to ms.bowles they all were stunned.My favorite was when the"salamander"pulled up to the door and the lights were reflecting off the wall.The details just bring me more into the book.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

my weekend

This weekend i had to take care of my nephews.They are the cutest things you could ever have in your arms.The only problem is they are babies,and babies are sooooooooooo hard to take care of.Since i was young i always wanted to have children but this makes me see how long i want to wait.Also children are very expensive so after this weekend i think ill take my sweet time with children.

This week

My cousin who is a Baltimore city cop told me i have the chance to become a cadet which like a junior cop.He told me i had the chance to make a lot more money than i do now.The only downside is i will have to drop out of school.I would drop out of school but my mother really wants me to get my degree so i guess i will just stay in school.But if i had the chance to become a cop before i got my degree i think i would be caught in a really hard place.

our reading

In fahrenheit i would like to know where the story takes place.It would help me get a better picture and feel for whats going on.If i could get a city or a state i could be a little more interested.Also howi would like to know where guy is from if i skipped over this stuff somebody help me out.Those are just two questions that i have.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

From the darkness

In our reading i think it showed a different light in reading it showed reading can be very healing.You can express yourself and find out who you really are.I thought it was interesting how the author's family could make her hate something she loved so much.But in the end she wasn't ashamed of what she loved and she drew inspiration from her favorite writers. I think you cant lose sight of what you love because if thats what makes you happy you have to keep doing it like the main character and writing.

My saturday

This Saturday i had to work which is bad enough,then the manager made me stay later just to have an extra person there.I expected to come home and do my 3 page paper for English,my 3 page paper for marriage and family my 150 math problems,read for criminal justice and English.But instead of doing that i had to go to Baltimore and help my sister the rain.So i had to do all my work on Sunday,i have never had so much homework in one day in my life.But its hard work to get a degree?

olive garden

This weekend i realized Olive garden is the worst job in the nation.I deal with the meanest old women in the world.If i were to think about it everyone who comes in to my job is mean and i don't understand why and how you can be so mean to people for no reason.On top of all that the servers are all mean and rude managers want everything done how they want it and customers are ridiculous.The point of this blog is don't go to olive garden its not that good and everyone is mean who works there lol.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

end of a long journey

When i was in high school i was pretty good at football player,i had almost all the honors a high school football player could want.My team won our division and we played so well together but then suddenly with one loss it was all over.No more training , no more two-a-days ,no coaches calling you ,nothing. I was undersized for my position so no college school offered any scholarships which added insult to injury lol.For the first time in 3 years i wasnt under lights with a crowd screaming in the background. I really realized it was over by seeing my friends on teams like Akron ,Temple, Penn State on TV while i sat at home and watched them.But i take this as my first huge challenge to get over by becoming an adult.I guess the saying "everything that begins must come to an end' is true.

A great surprise

Today i went to Harrisburg and actually explored the city and i found out that its an awesome city.I assumed that it was a boring small town like 95% of the towns in Pennsylvania but it turned out to be really relaxed.I always wanted to move to Denver,co because of the relaxed atmoshpere but now that i have seen a city that's awesome and closer to Baltimore(Ravens),I'm changing my mind.The houses on the waterfront where beautiful and the city was diverse.Overall my Harrisburg experience was great.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Hw reading

I think in college students should be able to complete their work by using facts and using what they believe.If students just follow what the book tells them to every paper will sound the same.After all this is college and the years of being told everything to do are done.So i agree with the author of the passage.Times are changing and with time changing so should the way we learn.