Sunday, August 30, 2009

what is good writing?

What is good writing?
In my opinion good writing is when a writer is passionate about what he or she is writing. A writer also needs to have a rough draft to collect his or her ideas, without the rough draft the passage will be confusing and eventually the reader will lose interest. Also the writer needs information to back up what he or she is writing about. Grammar also plays an important part in writing. Writing with grammar that is incorrect could make sentences hard to understand and the writer might seem ignorant.Last but not least if the writer doesn't proof read his or her paper the writer will seem lazy.That is what good writing is to me.
What is bad writing?
Would you jump into a pool full of deep water without knowing how to swim?That is the same concept as someone writing a paper with no information,they will become lost in what they are writing and that will definitely make it a bad paper.Also if someone is writing and they aren't creative the paper will sound similar to others.Readers will then become bored and uninterested in what you have to say.Punctuation is a big deal when writing a paper,some things like commas,periods and quotations can make or break your writings.And grammar is important for example:Their and there have completely different meanings and to some it can make a writer look ignorant if those words are used in the wrong context.

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