Friday, October 30, 2009


So today i realize that my STEP sister lies all the time like i am a fool.I got so angry and yelled at her and i see that i do that all the time.But today after yelling at her i caught myself ,apologized and thought those who lie alot its just something in them.No matter what you say or do they will lie. Alot of people who believe in God lie to him....what makes you think they wont lie to you?I'm not a saint but lies are something i was raised not to do.She is too young to do that all the time how many things can a ten year old lie about?But today i learned a lesson rather than hate her or be mean to her i just know how she behaves and ill take this as a lesson ill carry with me for the rest of my life.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

my babies

Today my nephews came up for the weekend and i have realized that they are the cutest things ever.I don't look like my father and neither do any of my sisters but my sisters children look exactly like my dad which is strange.They say cute things and i never thought i would like babies.And to make things better no matter what my step family says I'm they're only uncle and I'm proud of it.When i think back i have always wanted little babies in the family and now I'm glad they have come.Life is better because of my nephews.


I watched a show talking about people fears and where they came from the shocking thing for me is they were normal things people are scared of.Drowning,ghost being burned alive all normal fears but i would be surprised if they would bring up fears like people who are scared of pickels mustard,and red lights.I am very scared of Aliens they horrify.But what makes us scared of these things what in our brain tells us to fear ?Those are questions i would have liked those questions answered.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


I'm really surprised its not cold yet even though its October.I'm not complaining but does that mean next summer will be hotter than the last.If that's the case next summer might not be fun.This summer was crazy hot and most of the time i didn't even know the temperature i just knew don't go out there.So next summer will be torture i don't know am i the only one scared of this?It might mean nothing but whatever.

Pissed off

I watched the ravens game recently and a guy made a bone head play to make us lose the game and it made me think.Why am i getting angry because THEY lost?I'm not getting paid,no special benefits, hell i haven't even met a player.Most of the players wouldn't look my way if i needed they're help.As fans we deal with 5 dollar drinks that should be 2 dollars,nachos that cost 2 dollars at the store but you go to the game and support your team on top of the hundred dollar ticket prices for seats that are so high you could put in light bulbs and they charge you 10 dollars yea 10 that's outrageous!The NFL are the biggest pimps in the nation who else says come support us" we love your town like you do"and take all your money. My girl friends dad pays 900 bucks a year(and he split the original price with his brother)To see his team play and next year they are bumping the price up so he is losing his season tickets.Its not fair or right how normal people are treated,don't get me wrong i love the ravens but if i had the chance i would sue them for every dime they ever made and give the fans they re money back.And i change they re named to the Baltimore kodi's. NFL U SUCK

Last chapter

I have a few questions about our last chapter.Captain Beatty was killed by flame thrower correct?And were the Beatles(cars)looking for him or were they just driving around fast.And who were the kids.Although i was confused i did like how the author really put you in Guys shoes,with things like how he was running and the pain he went through.O yea and who's house did he put the books in,a random house?