Sunday, December 13, 2009


This is the last post and I'm kinda sad.Every Sunday i have been fearing what to write about but i always found something because the blogging helped me to look at things in a different light.I also think it helped people in the class vent about what they couldn't talk about in class.Thanks ms Charlton for this whole blogging thing.Plus i learned how to use blogger.

Google freak

I have recently found out that google earth is the best creation ever.Who thought to take pictures of the whole earth...and did it wow!what a great idea.I stay on it all day and night parts of the world i could have never seen ,now i see wow.This thing is great i went from area 51 to Africa,and little islands wow its great.So google and the creators should rule the world because they re great.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


I heard a story about a lady who was kidnapped and the guy cut her arms off.When someone does that pshcolgist say that they have a problem in their brain.To me it seems more like evil.Retardation is a problem of the brain but killing someone just seems evil.Alot of the killers don't have remorse either so that's what makes it crazy.So i think killers are pure evil.


So i was watching a show on people from New jersey particularly the"Guido's"?Wasn't that a racist term for Italians?It makes me think do people accept names the racist names that are given to them.Black people have done it, white people all people have done it but why do we like these names.And why do we glorify these slurs given to us maybe we will never know.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

For people who are paranoid about germs i wonder how they live . I go to the gas station and pump gas everyones hands have been on that pump.Open a door the germs are on there also.And if you use too much hand sanitizer you don't give your body a chance to fight those germs when your body experiences them later.So essentially you never win.Germs are everywhere.I work with people all day and I'm sure a bunch of them are sick but i cant worry about that.I try to drink water alot and that does help me.But ...wait what about people with deficiencies, well that's a different story. Dont worry about germs because theyre everywhere.


I don't know if anybody listens to rap but its slowly changing.It went from being a harmless art form to something to exploit people.Now all you hear is gangster rap because it makes the most money.The people who do try to be positive music are never played and they don't make much money because they don't sell records.It all started back in the 90s and its the same thing now.When will rap music change ?Its been so corrupt by these businesses that I'm afraid it will never go back to the way it was.Unless we can fight the companies and artists that made it this crazy.

our movie

I liked the movie thank you for smoking i thought it was a smarter mans movie.It didn't have parts where you were told to laugh, like on the show Frasier, you really had to think about what they were saying.I liked how the movie really taught you how to argue.I enjoyed the arguments at the end of the movie because it showed a man defending cigarettes which would be so hard to do.Everything made sense it wasn't like people were having sex for no reason it had a point to it.Overall i liked the movie because it taught me how to argue and it was kinda awsome .